Actes de colloque

  • CORRIVEAU-PEEV, Pamela et GOSSELIN, Louis (En soumission). Utilization of Contrast-to-Noise Ratio for Identifying Thermal Anomalies in Northern Buildings with a Low-Cost IR Camera 2024 ASHRAE Winter Conference and AHR expo , Chicago : x
  • CORRIVEAU-PEEV, Pamela, GOSSELIN, Louis et POTVIN, André (Soumis). Utilization of Contrast-to-Noise Ratio to Assessing the Severity of Air Infiltration Anomalies in Northern Buildings with a Low-Cost IR Camera JITH 2024 International Days on Thermal Science and Energy , Paris : 20th ed. National School of Architecture Paris-Val de Seine
  • CARRIER, Mario, MERCIER, Jean et TREMBLAY-RACICOT, Fanny (Soumis). Gouvernance environnementale et transport urbain durable Actes du Séminaire international , Rio de Janeiro : Métropoles, inégalités et planification démocratique
  • BACHIRI, Nabila, VANDERSMISSEN, Marie-Hélène et DESPRÉS, Carole (Sous presse). Mobilités des adolescents et formes urbaines: pratiques et représentations Approches quantitatives et qualitatives des mobilités: quelles complémentarités? , Bruxelles : M. Castaigne (dir), Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis
  • LORD, Sébastien et DESPRÉS, Carole (Sous presse). Vieillir dans la ville étalée: enjeux, éléments de solution et défis de mise en oeuvre Actes du colloque sur le vieillissement, ACFAS 2010 , Montreal : P. Negron-Poblete & A-M. Séguin, ACFAS
  • BACHIRI, Nabila, DESPRÉS, Carole et VANDERSMISSEN, Marie-Hélène (À paraître). Pratiques et représentations des modes de transport : Une enquête quantitative et qualitative auprès d’adolescents de l’agglomération de Québec, Canada 3e Colloque Francophone de la Plate-forme Intégratrice : Comportement du piéton dans son environnement , Salon de Provence
  • FEICK, Robert et ROCHE, Stéphane (À paraître). Valuing Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI): Opportunities and Challenges Arising from a new Mode of GI Use and Production Proceedings of the 2nd GeoValue Workshop , Geovalue
  • ROCHE, Stéphane et GENOVESE, Elisabetta (À paraître). Potential of VGI as a Resource for SDIs in the North/South Context Proceedings of the GSDI 12 international confenrence , Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association
  • ROCHE, Stéphane, MERICSKAY, Boris et PROPECK-ZIMMERMANN, Eliane (À paraître). The potential of Geomatic 2.0 in Crisis Management Proceedings of the GSDI 12 international confenrence , Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association
  • SAINT-AUBIN, Bruno, MOSTAFAVI, Mir Abolfazl, ROCHE, Stéphane et DEDUAL, N. (À paraître). A 3D collaborative geospatial augmented reality system for urban design and planning purposes Proceedings of the Canadian Geomatics Conference , Calgary : CGC
  • GENOVESE, Elisabetta, ROCHE, Stéphane et CARON, Claude (À paraître). The Value Chain Approach to Evaluate the Economic Impact of Geographic Information: Towards a New Visual Tool GSDI 11 World Conference , Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association
  • ARDILA, Andrés, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et PELLETIER, Geneviève (2023). Optimization of water quality degradation monitoring in distribution networks: Spatio-temporal representativeness vs citizens' risk Efficient 2023 Urban water management , Bordeaux : x
  • ARDILA, Andrés, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et PELLETIER, Geneviève (2023). Spatiotemporal optimization of water quality surveillance in urban distribution networks 40th IAHR World Congress Rivers - connecting mountains and coast , Vienne : x
  • CASSOL, Willian Ney, DANIEL, Sylvie et PHAM VAN BANG, Damien (2023). The influence of underwater dunes in spatiotemporal analysis of the hydrodynamicof the Saint-Lawrence River. Marine and River Dune Dynamics – MARID VII Marine and River Dune Dynamics – MARID VII , Rennes : x
  • ORTIZ-LOPEZ, Christian, BOUCHARD, Christian, TORRES, A. et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2023). A data-driven methodology for modelling the raw water quality supplying a treatment plant, after rainfall and river flow rate events. 9th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition 2023 , x
  • ORTIZ-LOPEZ, Christian, BOUCHARD, Christian, TORRES, A. et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2023). Decision-Making Improvement and Modelling Tools for Drinking Water Treatment during Rainfall Events 40th IAHR World Congress Rivers - connecting mountains and coast, , Vienne : x
  • BARRY, Richard, BARBECOT, F., HE, J. et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2022). Estimation de la valeur économique des ressources en eaux souterraines du bassin sédimentaire côtier togolais International Conference “Groundwater, key to the Sustainable Development Goals , Paris : x
  • DE BLOIS, Michel et LESAGE, Xavier (2022). Design-Led Entrpreneurship Workshop; a dialogic approach REDES 2022 , REDES 2022
  • RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2022). Spatio-temporal data to understand the variability of emerging contaminants from source to tap dans ORTEGA-SÁNCHEZ, Miguel Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress , Granada : International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research, ISBN : 978-90-832612-1-8
  • RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2022). Spatio-temporal data to understand the variability of emerging contaminants from source to tap Proceedings of Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress , Grenade : x
  • WESTON, Sally, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et BEHMEL, Sonja (2022). Water quality in drinking water distribution systems: A whole-systems approach to decision making 2nd International Joint Conference on Water Distribution System Analysis (WDSA) & Computing and Control in the Water Industry (CCWI) , Valence : WDSA - CCWI
  • WESTON, Sally, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et BEHMEL, Sonja (2022). Water quality in drinking water distribution systems: A whole-systems approach to decision making. 2nd International Joint Conference on Water Distribution System Analysis (WDSA) & Computing and Control in the Water Industry , Valence : CCWI
  • CÔTÉ, Valérie, GAGNON, Caroline, BÉLANGER, Lynda, SAINT-GERMAIN, Daphney (2021). Design as a methodological stance in interdisciplinary research dans DI LUCCHIO, Loredana, IMBESI, Lorenzo, GIAMBATTISTA, Angela, MALAKUCZI, Viktor Design culture(s) Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021 , Rome : Cumulus President Mariana Amatullo, p. 3980-3995.
  • GAGNON, Caroline, ROUSSEAU, Claudie, COULOMBE-MORENCY, Thomas, CADORET, Sonia, COTÉ, Colin (2021). Design with Social Justice in Mind. The Case of Fourniture Design in Elementary Schools dans DI LUCCHIO, Loredana, IMBESI, Lorenzo, GIAMBATTISTA, Angela, MALAKUCZI, Viktor Design culture(s) Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021 , Rome : Cumulus President Mariana Amatullo, p. 2826-2845.
  • CERUTTI, Jérôme, ABI-ZEID, Irène, LAMONTAGNE, Luc, LAVOIE, Roxane et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2020). Bridging the Knowledge Gap Using Design Science Research: The Design of a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) Application for Source Water Protection in Environmental Decision-Making 15th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) ( 9 septembre 2020 - 11 septembre 2020), x
  • DESPRÉS, Carole et DESPRÉS, Michel (2020). Intensive session Renovating school estates with people in mind: The case of Portugal, Belgium and Québec - , IAPS 2020
  • HIDALGO, A.K., DESPRÉS, Carole et CRAIG, T. (2020). Research Methods’ Timeline: 50 years of Peple-Environment Studies, Symposium - , IAPS 2020
  • PARSAEE, Mojtaba, DEMERS, Claude, HÉBERT, Marc, LALONDE, Jean-François et POTVIN, André (2020). High-performance, Climate-responsive and Biophilic Advantages of Multi-Skin Building Envelopes in Extreme Climates 35th PLEA Conference: Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design, Planning Post Carbon Cities , A Coruña : x
  • PARSAEE, Mojtaba, DEMERS, Claude, HÉBERT, Marc, LALONDE, Jean-François et POTVIN, André (2020). Photobiological Climate-Responsive Lighting Adaptation Scenarios for High-Performance Biophilic Buildings 35th PLEA Conference: Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design, Planning Post Carbon Cities , A Coruña : x
  • GAO, Jianan, PROULX, François et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2019). Effect of various ozonation strategies on the formation and speciation of HALs and THMs in a full-scale water treatment plant AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , Texas City : AWWA
  • BARETTE, Nathalie, LALONDE, Benoît, VANDERSMISSEN, Marie-Hélène, ROY, Francis, BROUSSEAU, Yves, LOUIS-PIERRE, Tanguay, DERY, J.-S. et al. (2018). Atlas de la vulnérabilité de la population québécoise aux aléas climatiques : un outil destiné aux aménagistes et au grand public Actes du XXXIe colloque annuel de l’Association Internationale de Climatologie , Nice : x, p. 343-348.
  • BEAUDRY, Louis-Pierre (2018). De nouveaux visages parmi les bûcherons : L’intégration laborieuse des travailleurs immigrants dans le secteur sylvicole québécois Cheminements. Façonner le Québec : Populations, pouvoirs et territoires. Actes des 21e et 22e colloques étudiants du CIEQ , CIEQ
  • BEHMEL, Sonja, SCHEILI, Anna et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2018). Development of an integrated decision support tool for event management in the distribution network AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , Toronto : AWWA
  • CHHIPI SHRESTHA, Gyan et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2018). Surrogates of unregulated disinfection by-products in drinking water AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , AWWA
  • CHRISTIE, Dereck-Pierre, VILLENEUVE, Dominic, DE OLIVEIRA SIMAS, Fernando Anisio, RAVALET, Emanuel et KAUFMANN, Vincent (2018). When walking peters out: investigating distance-decay and time-decay for daily walking Active living conference , Banff : EPFL Scientific publications
  • DELPLA, Ianis, BOUCHARD, Christian, DOREA, Caetano Chang et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2018). Drinking water treatment optimization during specific climatic events AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , Toronto : AWWA
  • DESPRÉS, Carole, LARDON, Sylvie (2018). De l’utilité des cartes mentales en design urbain dans DERNAT, S., BRONNER, A-C, DEPEAU, S., DIAS, P. Représentations sociocognitives de l’espace géographique. Actes de la 2e journée d’études Cartotête , Strasbourg : Réseau cartotête
  • GAGNON, Caroline, DAGENAIS, D., CÔTÉ, Valérie (2018). A Place to Be or, at Least, a Space to See: a qualitative inquiry on the experience and appreciation of extensive green roofs dans STORNI, C., LEAHY, K., MCMAHON, M., LLOYD, P., BOHEMIA, E. Proceedings of DRS 2018 – Catalyst – International Conference, vol 1 , Limerick : Design Research Society, p. 405-423.
  • GAO, Jianan, PROULX, François et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2018). Occurrence and spatio-temporal variability of haloacetaldehydes in two full-scale drinking water distribution systems AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , Toronto : AWWA
  • GUILHERME, Stéphanie, DOREA, Caetano Chang et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2018). Drinking water in Nunavik: Portrait of drinking water access and quality in nordic small systems AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , AWWA
  • LEGAY, Christelle, COULOMBE, Louis et SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste (2018). La gestion des solutions d’hypochlorite dans les petites installations de production d’eau potable 41e Symposium sur la Gestion de l’Eau , Saint-Hyacinthe : Réseau Environnement
  • MARLEAU DONAIS, Francis, ABI-ZEID, Irène, WAYGOOD, Edward Owen Douglas et LAVOIE, Roxane (2018). Integrating sustainable transportation in decision-making process : A framework comparison Canadian Transportation Research Forum (CTRF) 53rd Annual Conference , Gatineau : CTRF, p. 263-271.
  • RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2018). Chaire de recherche sur l'eau potable : les recherches en cours Journée scientifique sur la protection des sources d’eau, , Québec : Journée scientifique sur la protection des sources d’eau,
  • RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, LEGAY, Christelle, COULOMBE, Louis et SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste (2018). Management of liquid chlorine for disinfection in small systems AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , AWWA
  • SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste (2018). Contaminants émergeants Journée scientifique sur la protection des sources d’eau , Québec : Journée scientifique sur la protection des sources d’eau
  • BEAUCHAMP, Nicolas, DOREA, Caetano Chang, SIMARD, Sabrina, BOUCHARD, Christian, PELLETIER, Geneviève et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2017). DBPs in a full-scale drinking water treatment plant: occurrence, reaction rates, and differential UV absorbance monitoring AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , Portland : AWWA
  • BEHMEL, Sonja, DAMOUR, Mathieu, LUDWIG, Ralf et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2017). Intelligent decision support system to plan, manage and optimize water quality monitoring programs AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , Portland : AWWA
  • BLUM, Guillaume, DE BLOIS, Michel et TADJINE, Nadim (2017). L’impression 3D: de l’émerveillement technique aux enjeux organisationnels, économiques et sociétaux ACFAS, UQAM , ACFAS, ISBN : 978-2-9816772-0-4
  • CELEITA, David, BOHORQUEZ, J., RIANO, G., QUIJANO, N. et OCAMPO-MARTINEZ, C. (2017). Creación de un Modelo en CFD para Validar el Comportamiento Hidráulico de Sistemas de Drenaje con Control en Tiempo Real (Development of a CFD Model to Validate Hydraulic Behavior in Drainage Systems with Real Time Control) Ibero-American Seminar on Water and Drainage Networks (SEREA 2017) , SSRN, doi : 10.2139/ssrn.3109094
  • DELPLA, Ianis et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2017). A methodology to prioritize spatio-temporal drinking water quality monitoring in a distribution network by considering population vulnerability and perception AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , Portland : AWWA
  • LAFLAMME, Olivier, SIMARD, Sabrina, LEGAY, Christelle, DOREA, Caetano Chang et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2017). Occurrence and variability of ozonation disinfection by-products during water treatment and distribution AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , Portland : AWWA
  • MARLEAU DONAIS, Francis, ABI-ZEID, Irène, LAVOIE, Roxane (2017). A Loose-Coupling Integration of the MACBETH approach in ArcGIS dans LINDEN, Isabelle Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Decision Support System Technology , EWG-DSS, p. 125-131.
  • MARLEAU DONAIS, Francis, ABI-ZEID, Irène, LAVOIE, Roxane (2017). Building a Shared Model for Multi-criteria Group Decision Making. Experience from a Case Study for Sustainable Transportation Planning in Quebec City dans SCHOOP, Mareike, KILGOUR, D. Marc Group Decision and Negotiation. A Socio-Technical Perspective , Springer, p. 175-186. doi : 10.1007/978-3-319-63546-0_13
  • RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2017). Impacts of climate on drinking water quality and its variability. The 5th International Conference on Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control , Beijing : The 5th International Conference on Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, ISBN : 9781510859500
  • RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et DELPLA, Ianis (2017). Climate changes and drinking water in sustainable cities: impacts and adaptation 12th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability , Séville : Wessex Institute, p. 573-582.
  • SANTERRE, Gabrielle, DOREA, Caetano Chang, COULOMBE, Louis, LEGAY, Christelle et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2017). Occurrence and variability of iodinated DBPs in nine small Canadian water systems AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , Portland : AWWA
  • BÉGIN, Daniel, DEVILLERS, R. et ROCHE, Stéphane (2016). The Life Cycle of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) Contributors: the OpenStreet Map Example. Proceedings of GISciences 2016 Conference , Montreal : UC Berkeley, doi :
  • BERTHOLD, Etienne, CHÉNARD, Jean-Pierre, BAIN, Allison et CYR, Myriam (2016). Table ronde. Mise en valeur du patrimoine de Québec : quelles stratégies, quels enjeux, quels patrimoines ? 15e colloque international étudiant du département des sciences historiques de l’Université Laval , Québec : ARTEFACT, p. 15-40.
  • DELPLA, Ianis, ROCHETTE, Simon, PELLETIER, Geneviève, MIHAI, Florea, HALLÉ, Simon et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2016). Optimizing disinfection by-product monitoring using high frequency spatio-temporal data mining Water Quality Technology Conference , Indianapolis : American Water Works Association
  • GAGNON, Caroline (2016). Design and innovation beyond methods. Managing Complexity Proceedings of the MCPC 2015, the 8th World Conference on Mass Customization, Personalization, and Co-Creation. MCPC , Springer, p. 379-390.
  • GAGNON, Caroline et CÔTÉ, Valérie (2016). Public design and socialinnovation: Learning from applied research. DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference , Brighton, p. 3669-3687.
  • GUILHERME, Stéphanie et DOREA, Caetano Chang (2016). Hydrogen Peroxide: an efficient and practical preventive cleaning solution for biofilm control? Proceedings of the AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , Indianapolis : American Water Works Association
  • GUILHERME, Stéphanie et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2016). Application of a decision making scheme for disinfection by-product monitoring in small water systems: comparison with the current regulatory recommendations AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , AWWA
  • MARCOUX, Alain, PELLETIER, Geneviève, LEGAY, Christelle, BÉRUBÉ, Charles, BEAUCHAMP, Alexandra, BOUCHARD, Christian et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2016). Regulated and non-regulated disinfection by-products within a treatment plant and their evolution in the distribution system AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , Indianapolis : AWWA
  • MERCIER, Nicolas, GUILHERME, Stéphanie, BOUCHARD, Christian et DOREA, Caetano Chang (2016). Online estimation of disinfection by products through differential UV spectrophotometry: Potential & challenges Proceedings of the 30th Eastern Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research , Ottawa : Association canadienne sur la qualité de l'eau
  • PELLETIER, Geneviève, MCGRATH, John, BOUCHARD, Christian et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2016). Impact of water conservation strategies on secondary disinfection in drinking water distribution networks AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , AWWA
  • PELLETIER, Geneviève, ROCHETTE, Simon, BOUCHARD, Christian et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2016). Variability of chlorine and its disinfection by-products in a small residential area of a water distribution network AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , Indianola : AWWA
  • THÉRIAULT, Marius, DES ROSIERS, François et VANDERSMISSEN, Marie-Hélène (2016). Modelling and Simulation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Linked to Housing and Transportation Choices Second International Symposium on Cellular Automata Modelling for Urban System Simulation , Québec : x, p. 1-8.
  • COULOMBE, Louis, LEGAY, Christelle, BOLDUC, Anouka, DASSYLVA, Nathalie, SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2015). Contamination and management of hypochlorite solutions in small drinking water systems Proceedings of the AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , Salt Lake City : American Water Works Association
  • DELPLA, Ianis, BENMARHNIA, Tarik, LEBEL, Alexandre, LEVALLOIS, Patrick et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2015). Social Inequalities in Drinking Water Contaminants Levels in Rural Areas of Québec 27th Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) , Sao Paulo : Research Triangle Park, doi : 10.1289/ehp.isee2015
  • DELPLA, Ianis, BENMARHNIA, Tarik*, LEBEL, Alexandre, LEVALLOIS, Patrick et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2015). Social inequalities in drinking water contaminants levels in rural areas of Québec, Canada (30 août 2015 - 3 septembre 2013), Sao Paulo, doi : 10.1289/ehp.isee2015
  • DELPLA, Ianis et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2015). Temporal variability of DBPs in drinking water following rainfall events Proceedings of the AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , Salt Lake City : American Water Works Association
  • DUFAUX, François (2015). A case for mezzanine: guidelines for the evolution of Montreal’s tenements International Seminar on urban Form , Rome : ISUF
  • MORIN, Dominique et DUGRÉ, Alexandre (2015). Les origines sociologiques de l’association de la participation citoyenne à l’expertise scientifique dans les projets d’aménagement au Québec « Chercheur.e.s et acteur.e.s de la participation : Liaisons dangereuses et relations fructueuses » , GIS Démocratie et participation
  • RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, LEGAY, Christelle, GUILHERME, Stéphanie, SCHEILI, Anna et SIMARD, Sabrina (2015). Locational variability of emerging disinfection by-products in drinking water 9th World Congress of European Water Resources Association , Istanbul : EWRA
  • SCHEILI, Anna, DELPLA, Ianis, SADIQ, Rehan et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2015). Impact of raw water quality and climate on the variability of drinking water quality in small systems Proceedings of the AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , Salt Lake City : American Water Works Association
  • BANNA, Muinul H., NAJJARAN, Homayoun, SADIQ, Rehan, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, IMRAN, Syed A. et HOORFAR, Mina (2014). Fabrication and testing of a miniaturised water quality monitoring pH and conductivity sensors Proceedings of the 2014 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Expo, NSTI – Nanotech 2014 , Washington, DC : TechConnect World
  • DELPLA, Ianis et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2014). Assessing Source Water Quality Variations in the Context of Land Use and Climatic Changes Water Quality Technology Conference , New Orleans : American Water Works Association
  • GUILHERME, Stéphanie et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2014). Decision-making scheme for disinfection by-product intended for small drinking water systems Proceedings of the AWWA Annual Conference , New Orleans : American Water Works Association
  • GUILHERME, Stéphanie et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2014). Monitoring and modeling of non-regulated disinfection by-products in small systems Proceedings of the AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference & Exposition , New Orleans : American Water Works Association
  • LAVOIE, Roxane, JOERIN, Florent et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2014). A geomatics-based decision-support tool for protecting groundwater supply sources Proceedings of the AWWA Annual Conference & Exposition , Boston : American Water Works Association
  • TREMBLAY-BREAULT, Martin, VANDERSMISSEN, Marie-Hélène et THÉRIAULT, Marius (2014). Gender and daily mobility: Did the gender gap change between 1996 and 2006 in the Quebec urban area? Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Women's Issues in Transportation - Bridging the Gap , Paris : Transportation Research Board, IFSTTAR et TRA, p. 279-291.
  • AGHAARABI, E., AMINRAVAN, Farzad, SADIQ, Rehan, HOORFAR, Mina, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et NAJJARAN, Homayoun (2013). A Fuzzy Rule-Bades Approach for Water Quality Assessment in the Distribution Network 2013 IFSA-NAFIPS Joint Congress , Edmonton : North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society
  • AMINRAVAN, Farzad, SADIQ, Rehan, HOORFAR, Mina, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, FRANCISQUE, Alex et NAJJARAN, Homayoun (2013). Networked Fuzzy Belief Rule-Based System for Spatiotemporal Monitoring 2013 IFSA-NAFIPS Joint Congress , Edmonton : North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society
  • DES ROSIERS, François (2013). Market Efficiency, Uncertainty and Risk Management in Real Estate Valuation - How Hedonics May Help Proceedings of the 41st Centro di Studi di Estimo e di Economia Territoriale , Firenze University Press
  • LAROCHE, Geneviève, MERCIER, Jean, OLIVIER, Alain (2013). Promoting tree-based intercropping systems in the political arena : a cognitive analysis of public policies in agriculture, natural resources and rural development in Quebec dans POPPY, L., KORT, J., SCHROEDER, B., PLOOLCK, T., SOOLANAYAKANAHALLY, R. 13th North American Agroforestry Conference Proceedings , Charlottetown : Association for Temperate Agroforestry, p. 132-139.
  • AMINRAVAN, Farzad, SADIQ, Rehan, HOORFAR, Mina, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et NAJJARAN, Homayoun (2012). Multicriteria information fusion using a fuzzy evidential rule-based framework 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) , IEEE, p. 1890-1895. doi : 10.1109/ICSMC.2012.6378014
  • BANNA, Muinul H., IMRAN, Syed A., NAJJARAN, Homayoun, SADIQ, Rehan, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et HOORFAR, Mina (2012). Simulation of constant pressure and flow rate through mini-channels inserted into distribution systems (WDS) Proceedings of the ASME 2012, 10th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, ICNMM2012 , ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
  • DUBÉ, Jean, THÉRIAULT, Marius et DES ROSIERS, François (2012). Estimating the house price impact of proximity to a commuter train station: The case of the Montreal South Shore, Canada, 1992-2009 Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting , American Real Estate Society (ARES)
  • DUBOIS, Catherine, BERGERON, O., ADOLPHE, Luc et POTVIN, André (2012). Adapting Cities to Climate Change: heat and urban form Conference Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Urban Climate (ICUC8) , International Association for Urban Climate
  • DYCK, Roberta, SADIQ, Rehan, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, SIMARD, Sabrina et TARDIF, Robert (2012). Fuzzy-based Fugacity Model for Propagating Uncertainty in Assessing Swimmer Exposures to Disinfection Byproducts Proceedings of the 31st Annual NAFIPS Meeting , Berkeley : North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society
  • GUILHERME, Stéphanie et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2012). Spatio-temporal occuprence of regulated and non-regulated disinfection by-products in small systems AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference , Toronto : AWWA
  • GUILHERME, Stéphanie et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2012). Spatio-temporal occurrence of regulated and non-regulated Disinfection By-Products in small systems AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference , Toronto : American Water Works Association
  • SCHEILI, Anna, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et SADIQ, Rehan (2012). Impacts of operational factors on drinking water quality in small systems AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference , Toronto : AWWA
  • AMINRAVAN, Farzad, HOORFAR, Mina, SADIQ, Rehan, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, FRANCISQUE, Alex et NAJJARAN, Homayoun (2011). Evidential reasoning using the fuzzy extension of Dempster-Shafer theory: application to the quality assessment of drinking water proceedings of Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) Annual General Meeting and Conference , Ottawa : CSCE
  • AMINRAVAN, Farzad, HOORFAR, Mina, SADIQ, Rehan, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, NAJJARAN, Homayoun et FRANCISQUE, Alex (2011). Interval Belief Structure Rule-based System Using Extended Fuzzy Dempster-Shafer Inference IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics , Anchorage : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • CLOUTIER, Geneviève, JOERIN, Florent et LABARTHE, Martial (2011). Les échelles de l’adaptation, une approche exploratoire des chaînes de conséquences des changements climatiques en milieu urbain Colloque scientifique international : Renforcer la résilience au changement climatique des villes : du diagnostic spatialisé aux mesures d’adaptation , Université Paul Verlaine
  • FRANCISQUE, Alex, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, MIRANDA-MORENO, Luis, SADIQ, Rehan et PROULX, François (2011). Actual’ Risk and ‘Perceived’ Risk for Distributed Drinking Water Quality: Attempt at Reconciliation Using a QFD-Based Approach AWWA-WQTC , Phoenix : American Water Works Association
  • ISLAM, M. Shafiqul, SADIQ, Rehan, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, FRANCISQUE, Alex et NAJJARAN, Homayoun (2011). Leakage forensic analysis for water distribution systems: a fuzzy-based methodology 20th Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference , Ottawa : CSCE
  • ISLAM, Nilufar, SADIQ, Rehan, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et FRANCISQUE, Alex (2011). Evaluating Source Water Protection Strategies: A Soft Computing Approach 26e Conférence de l'Est canadien de l'Association Canadienne sur la qualité de l'eau , Québec : Association Canadienne sur la Qualité de l'Eau
  • JOERIN, Florent, CHAKHAR, Salem, LEGAY, Christelle, LEBEL, Annie, BIKAY BI BANINY, Simon Bernard, CLOUTIER, Geneviève, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et al. (2011). Cartographie multicritère des risques urbains induits par les changements climatiques, Exemple pour le risque de contamination par l’eau potable 74th Meeting , Multicriteria Decision Analysis, p. 17.
  • JOERIN, Florent et CLOUTIER, Geneviève (2011). Changer de solutions ou de problèmes? Réflexion et pistes autour du renouvellement des pratiques d’aménagement du territoire Actes du colloque «Territoire et Environnement: des représentations à l'action» , tours : Laboratoire Cités, Territoire, Environnement et Société, p. 414-427.
  • MERCIER SHANKS, Catherine, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste (2011). Spatio-temporal variability of emerging disinfection byproducts in a drinking water distribution system AWWA-WQTC , Phoenix : American Water Works Association
  • MORETTI, GianPiero (2011). Machines à paysage / Landscape machines (exposition) , Québec
  • PLUCHON, Cécile, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste (2011). Impact of the biofilm on the degradation of haloacetic acids in a simulated distribution system AWWA-ACE Conference , Washington, DC : American Water Works Association
  • VACHON, Geneviève et ÉQUIPE DE CHERCHEURS, - (2011). ARUC Tetatuan. Exposition des travaux dans le cadre du 50e anniversaire de l'École d'architecture de l'Université Laval , Québec
  • BACHIRI, Nabila et DESPRÉS, Carole (2010). Milieu bâti et transport actif chez les adolescents: état de la question Le Piéton : nouvelles connaissances, nouvelles pratiques et besoins de recherche , Lyon : M.-A. Granier et J.-M. Auberlet (dirs.), Les collections de l'INRETS, p. 25-43.
  • DES ROSIERS, François, DUBÉ, Jean et THÉRIAULT, Marius (2010). Do Peer Effects Shape Residential Values? Reconciling the Sales Comparison Approach with Hedonic Price Modelling 17th Annual ERES Conference , Milan : European Real Estate Society
  • DES ROSIERS, François, DUBÉ, Jean et THÉRIAULT, Marius (2010). Property Values and Comparable Sales: Accounting for Peer Effects in Hedonic Price Modelling 19th AREUEA Annual International Conference , American Real Estate and Urban Economic Association
  • DUBÉ, Jean et LEGROS, Diego (2010). A Spatio-temporal Measure of Spatial Dependence: An Example Using Real Estate Data 57th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International , Denver : Regional Science Association International
  • DUBÉ, Jean, THÉRIAULT, Marius et DES ROSIERS, François (2010). Towards a New Spatial Parametric Approach Using the Fourier Expansion Approach for Modelling Metropolitan Residential Dynamics 9th International Workshop of Spatial Econometrics and Statistics , Laboratoire d'économie Orléans
  • DUBÉ, Jean et VOISIN, Marion (2010). Mesurer l'impact économique des infrastructures de transport au Québec : Méthodologie, résultats et implications 44e congrès de l’Association Québécoise des transports et des routes (AQTR) , Montreal :
  • DYCK, Roberta, SADIQ, Rehan, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, SIMARD, Sabrina et TARDIF, Robert (2010). Estimating the exposure to disinfection byproducts (DBPs) in swimming pools: a fugacity-based approach 14th Canadian National Conference & 5th Policy Forum on Drinking Water , Saskatoon : Canadian Water and Wastewater Association
  • ISLAM, M. Shafiqul, SADIQ, Rehan et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2010). Quantitative evaluation of effectiveness of source water protection strategies: a soft-computing based conceptual model CSCE General Conference , Winnipeg : Canadian Society for Civil Engineering
  • MARTIN, Tania* (2010). Les nouvelles interventions sur les paysages sacrés de Gaspé Table ronde annuelle de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine bâti , Université de Montréal, p. 138-148.
  • MERICSKAY, Boris et ROCHE, Stéphane (2010). Cartographie et SIG à l'ère du Web 2.0: Vers une nouvelle génération de SIG participatifs Sageo 2010 , Toulouse : Conférence internationale de géomatique et analyse spatiale, p. 228-242.
  • CATTO, Cyril, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et TARDIF, Robert (2009). Improving exposure assessment for disinfection by products by integrating environmental and toxicokinetic modeling for epidemiological purposes: accounting for short-term (within-day) variations in drinking water concentrations X2009: Sixth International Conference on Innovations in Exposure Assessment , Boston : X2009: Sixth International Conference on Innovations in Exposure Assessment
  • DUBÉ, Jean, DES ROSIERS, François et THÉRIAULT, Marius (2009). Impact économique du Métrobus dans la région de Québec 44e Congrès de l'Association québécoise des transports et des routes (AQTR) , Montreal : Association québécoise des transports et des routes (AQTR)
  • DUBÉ, Jean, VOISIN, Marion, THÉRIAULT, Marius et DES ROSIERS, François (2009). Mesurer l'impact du transport en commun sur les valeurs résidentielles unifamiliales Congrès annuel de l'Association des transports du Canada (ATC) , Vancouver : Association des transports du Canada (ATC)
  • DUBOIS, Catherine, DEMERS, Claude et POTVIN, André (2009). Daylit Spaces and Comfortable Occupants: A variety of luminous ambiences in support of a diversity of individuals Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA , Québec : Centre for Advanced Research in Building Science and Energy
  • FRANCISQUE, Alex, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, MIRANDA-MORENO, Luis et SADIQ, Rehan (2009). Methodology to identify high-priority surveillance zones in a water distribution system AWWA 2009 Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition , Seattle : American Water Works Association (AWWA), ISBN : 978-1-58321-752-8
  • LAVOIE, Roxane, BOISVERT, M., DUFOUR, Pascale et ROY, J.-C. (2009). Processus participatif pour les décisions de développement de la villégiature 5e Colloque étudiant de l'Institut EDS , Québec : Institut EDS
  • MERCIER, Jean (2009). Equitable and Sustainable transportation in large cities
  • RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, DION-FORTIER, Annick, ROA, Marisol, COOL, Geneviève, SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste et PROULX, François (2009). Are we really exposed to the DBP levels measured in municipal distribution systems? AWWA 2009 Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition , Seattle : American Water Works Association (AWWA), ISBN : 978-1-58321-752-8
  • VOISIN, Marion et DUBÉ, Jean (2009). Québec : un territoire, des territoires? Proposition d'un découpage spatial multiscalaire 6e colloque de la relève VRM; Réalités et transformations des milieux urbains , Québec :
  • BEAULIEU, Christine, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste et PROULX, François (2008). Variations of disinfection by-products precursors according to location within the distribution system , Bath
  • DELISLE, François-Julien, PELLETIER, Geneviève, SIMARD, Andréanne et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2008). Using Tracer Studies & Water Quality Analysis to Improve Water Quality by Better Hydraulic Management in Distribution Systems , Cincinnati
  • DES ROSIERS, François, THÉRIAULT, Marius et GAGNÉ, Marie-Ève (2008). Retail Store Affiliation and prestige and Their Impact on Shopping Center rents - A Case Study , Istanbul
  • DESPRÉS, Carole, PINSON, Daniel et RAMADIER, Thierry (2008). Étalement urbain et discrimination automobile: une comparaison de trois territoires Métropoles en France et au Canada, des réalités aux idéalités: regards croisés , Aix-en-Provence, ISBN : 978-2-7535-0632-9
  • DION-FORTIER, Annick, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste et PROULX, François (2008). Variations of disinfection by-products in residential indoor waters , Atlanta
  • DUBÉ, Jean (2008). Le Métrobus influence-t-il le prix de votre maison? Concours du Laboratoire public de l’AELIÉS 2007 , Québec : , p. 33-45.
  • DUBÉ, Jean, DES ROSIERS, François et THÉRIAULT, Marius (2008). Évolution des prix résidentiels : Homogénéité métropolitaine et variations locales Congrès annuel de l’Association de science régionale de langue française (ASRDLF) , Rimouski : Association de science régionale de langue française (ASRDLF)
  • DUBÉ, Jean, DES ROSIERS, François et THÉRIAULT, Marius (2008). Le Métrobus a-t-il un impact économique pour la région de Québec ? Actes du 43e Colloque , Québec : Association Québécoise des Transports et des Routes
  • DUBÉ, Jean et VOISIN, Marion (2008). Comment la perception de l'accessibilité aux services urbains par les résidents de Québec évolue-t-elle et quelles tendances révèle-t elle? 5e colloque de la relève VRM; La ville : un milieu et des lieux , Montreal :
  • FORTIN, Andrée, VACHON, Geneviève, DESPRÉS, Carole, JOERIN, Florent et MORETTI, GianPiero (2008). Design urbain en collaboration : le projet Pacte-Myrand. Bilan et enjeux , Québec : Chaire en aide à la décision, CRAD, Université Laval
  • LEGAY, Christelle, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, MIRANDA-MORENO, Luis, SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste, LEVALLOIS, Patrick et PROULX, François (2008). Modelling Disinfection By-products within Distribution Systems for Spatial Exposure Assessment , Cincinnati
  • MARTIN, Tania (2008). Mise sur pied du Site web de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en patrimoine religieux bâti
  • PARINET, Julien, SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2008). Modeling Off-Flavor Compounds Geosmin & 2 MIB , Cincinnati
  • ROCHE, Stéphane (2008). Towards a "Leonardo Da Vinci approach" for Spatial Design NCGIA specialist meeting on Spatial Concepts in GIS and Design , Santa Barbara : NCGIA
  • RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste (2008). Understanding the spatio-temporal variations of drinking water to improve surveillance strategies , Santiago
  • THÉRIAULT, Marius, VANDERSMISSEN, Marie-Hélène et VILLENEUVE, Paul (2008). Home-Working and Telecommuting: a Social Geography in Quebec City Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation (AATT) , Athens : Transportation Research Board & National Technical University of Athens
  • BACHIRI, Nabila, DESPRÉS, Carole et VACHON, Geneviève (2007). Fighting Teenagers' Sedentarity : the Challenges of Mobility in Exurbia , Portland
  • BONTON, Alexandre, ROULEAU, Alain, BOUCHARD, Christian et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2007). Nitrate transport modelling for groundwater source protection in an agricultural area XXXV IAH Congress , Lisbon : International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)
  • BONTON, Alexandre, ROULEAU, Alain, BOUCHARD, Christian et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2007). Suivi de la contamination en nitrate sur l'aire d'alimentation d'un captage d'eau souterraine en milieu agricole 8th Joint CGS / IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference , Ottawa : National Ground Water Association
  • COOL, Geneviève, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, BOUCHARD, Christian et LEVALLOIS, Patrick (2007). Evaluating the Vulnerability of Drinking Water Supply Systems to Microbiological Contamination: An Approach from Source to Tap AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition , Toronto : AWWA
  • DES ROSIERS, François, THÉRIAULT, Marius et VOISIN, Marion (2007). Access to Primary Schools and House Values: Testing the Spatial Homogeneity of Hedonic Prices , London
  • DESPRÉS, Carole et FORTIN, Andrée (2007). Moving from rural regions to Quebec City: The settlement-identity of relocated homeowners and its potential impact on urban sprawl , Sacramento
  • FRANCISQUE, Alex, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, MIRANDA-MORENO, Luis et SADIQ, Rehan (2007). Modelling of heterotrophic bacteria in a water distribution system , Charlotte
  • MARTIN, Tania (2007). Cours d’été in situ en patrimoine bâti et paysages culturels : Relevé, interprétation et intervention sur les sites religieux en Gaspésie » [Exposition bilingue des travaux et discussion avec les professeurs, étudiants, intervenants et paroissiens.] , Percé
  • MCHUGH, Rosemarie, ROCHE, Stéphane et BÉDARD, Yvan (2007). Vers une solution SOLAP comme outil participatif Actes de la conférence CQFDGéo , Clermont-Ferrand : CQFDGéo
  • PROULX, François, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste, BOUCHARD, Christian et MIRANDA-MORENO, Luis (2007). Factors Influencing Drinking Water Consumption in a Municipal Network , Charlotte
  • ROCHE, Stéphane et KIENE, B. (2007). GEOdoc: nouvel outil d'accompagnement du diagnostic du territoire Actes du colloque international SAGEO , SAGEO
  • ROCHE, Stéphane et TURKÜCU, Aysegül (2007). Vers une typologie des PPGIS Actes de la conférence CQFDGéo , Clermont-Ferrand : CQFDGéo
  • RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, BOUCHARD, Mélanie, SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste et BOUCHARD, Christian (2007). Predicting Temporal Variations of E. coli in Drinking Water Sources Proceedings of the AWWA Annual Conference , Toronto : American Water Works Association
  • ROUSSON, Christophe et ROCHE, Stéphane (2007). Vers l'élaboration d'une infrastructure géomatique collaborative Actes de la conférence CQFDGéo , Clermont-Ferrand : CQFDGéo
  • STEELE, Marion et DES ROSIERS, François (2007). Superstar Cities, Condominiums, and the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit: Is the Contribution of the LIHTC to Total Tax Expenditure Less Than It Seems? , Chicago : American Real Estate and Urban Economic Association
  • THÉRIAULT, Marius, CARRIER, Mario, VÉRONNEAU, Éric et DIEUMEGARDE, Louis (2007). Innovation Processes in the Manufacturing Industry Modelling Trajectories and Social Networks within GIS The European Information Society: Leading the way with Geoinformation , Aalborg : Wachowicz, M., Bodum, L.
  • THÉRIAULT, Marius, DES ROSIERS, François et VOISIN, Marion (2007). Assessing the Marginal Value of accessibility to Urban Amenities. Getting Rid of Spatial Drift , Paris
  • DES ROSIERS, François, THÉRIAULT, Marius, DIB, Patricia et DUBÉ, Jean (2006). Public Transit Improvement and Property Values: A Canadian Case Study 22nd American Real Estate Society (ARES) Annual Conference , Key West :
  • DES ROSIERS, François, THÉRIAULT, Marius, DUBÉ, Jean et VOISIN, Marion (2006). Does the Overall Quality in the Supply of an Urban Bus Service Affect House Prices?: A North-American Case Study 13th European Real Estate Society (ERES) Annual Conference , Weimar :
  • DESPRÉS, Carole (2006). Bridging the gap between programming and design , Québec
  • DESPRÉS, Carole (2006). Bridging the gap between programming and design : recent experiences teaching health care studios in Quebec
  • DESPRÉS, Carole et PICHÉ, Denise (2006). Ima(gi)ning the future of hospital design : Research and teaching strategies , Québec
  • DESPRÉS, Carole, PINSON, Daniel et RAMADIER, Thierry (2006). Urban Sprawl and car discrimination : elderly and teenagers in exurbia. , Atlanta
  • FORTIN, Andrée et DESPRÉS, Carole (2006). Les aînés dans l’espace rurbain : pratiques et représentations
  • LELONG, Benjamin, JODOIN, Yvon, LAVOIE, Claude et BELZILE, François (2006). The invasive common reed (Phragmites australis) along roads in Quebec (Canada) : a genetic and biogeographical analysis. , Raleigh, p. 605.
  • MARTIN, Tania et ÉQUIPE DE CHERCHEURS, - (2006). “The Adaptive Reuse of Historic Religious Properties in Boston and Quebec City.” Forum et exposition à l’École d’architecture du Wentworth Institute of Technology
  • MARTIN, Tania et ÉQUIPE DE CHERCHEURS, - (2006). « Mémoire d’un lieu, histoire du peuple » Exposition des projets d’Atelier Avancé II , Québec
  • SYLVESTRE, Bruno, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, GRAVEL, Christian et THÉRIAULT, Marius (2006). Protection of drinking water sources from agricultural pollution in Quebec , Saint John
  • THÉRIAULT, Marius, DES ROSIERS, François et DUBÉ, Jean (2006). Testing the Temporal Stability of Accessibility Value in Hedonic Prices through Panel Regression , Volos
  • VANDERSMISSEN, Marie-Hélène, THÉRIAULT, Marius et VILLENEUVE, Paul (2006). Work Trips : Are there still gender differences ? The Case of the Quebec Metropolitan Area 1991 and 2001 Transportation Research Board 85th Annual Meeting. Compendium of papers , Washington, DC
  • BEAULIEU, Christine, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste et PROULX, François (2005). Impact of Seasonal Changes on Chlorination By-Product Precursors Reactivity. , Québec
  • BIBA, Gjin, THÉRIAULT, Marius et DES ROSIERS, François (2005). Analyse des aires de marché du commerce de détail à Québec. Une méthodologie combinant une enquête de mobilité et un système d’information géographique. , Avignon
  • BIBA, Gjin, VILLENEUVE, Paul, THÉRIAULT, Marius et DES ROSIERS, François (2005). Les déterminants socio-économiques et spatiaux du développement commercial durable : Le cas de la région de Québec au Canada Géodoc 54, Actes du colloque international SAGEO « Commerce et développement durable » , Toulouse, p. 21.
  • CARRIER, Mario (2005). Renforcement de l'État local et territorialisation de l'action publique dans les domaines de l'aménagement et du développement au Québec. Jeux d'échelle et transformation de l'État. Le gouvernement des territoires au Québec et en France , Québec : L. Bherer, J.-P. Collin, É. Kerrouche & J. Pallard (Presses de l'Université Laval), p. 161-175. ISBN : 2-7637-8232-9
  • DES ROSIERS, François, THÉRIAULT, Marius, JOERIN, Florent, VILLENEUVE, Paul et HAIDER, Murtaza (2005). Modelling differential accessibility to urban services and its impacts on house values. , Toronto, p. 28.
  • DESPRÉS, Carole (2005). Loosing sight of complexity in people-environment research? , Bulletin of People-Environment Studies
  • DESPRÉS, Carole et FORTIN, Andrée (2005). Vivre éloigné de la ville centre : les motivations des rurbains.
  • DESPRÉS, Carole et PARADIS, David (2005). La marche, le vélo et l’autobus : plaisir quotidien ou bonheur d’occasion?
  • GRAVEL, Christian, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et THÉRIAULT, Marius (2005). Impact of agricultural pressures on municipal groundwater quality in the Province of Quebec. , Québec
  • LÉVESQUE, Steven, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, BEAULIEU, Christine, SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste et PROULX, François (2005). Effects of indoor tap water manipulation on chlorination by-products. , Québec
  • PROULX, François, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste et BOUCHARD, Christian (2005). A methodology to identifying vulnerable locations to taste and odour problems in a drinking water system. , Cornwall
  • ROCHE, Stéphane, EDWARDS, Geoffrey et JOERIN, Florent (2005). Vers une formalisation des processus de design urbain délibératifs.
  • SYLVESTRE, Bruno et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2005). Protection strategies for groundwater sources in small Quebec municipalities. , Québec
  • THÉRIAULT, Marius, BIBA, Gjin, DES ROSIERS, François et VILLENEUVE, Paul (2005). Analyzing Competition among Shopping Alternatives within Quebec Metropolitan Area; How GIS can Further Modelling of Consumer’s Destination Choice Behaviour. , Toronto
  • THÉRIAULT, Marius, VILLENEUVE, Paul, VANDERSMISSEN, Marie-Hélène et DES ROSIERS, François (2005). Home-working, telecommuting and journey to workplaces : Are differences among genders and professions varying in space? , Amsterdam, p. 15.
  • VANDERSMISSEN, Marie-Hélène (2005). Évolution récente de la mobilité à Québec : Qu’en est-il des différences selon le genre ?
  • VANDERSMISSEN, Marie-Hélène, SÉGUIN, Anne-Marie, THÉRIAULT, Marius et CLARAMUNT, Christophe (2005). Modelling Propensity to Move after Job Change using Event History Analysis and GIS. , Toronto
  • BEAULIEU, Christine, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste et PROULX, François (2004). Characterization of DBP organic precursors and their evolution within distribution systems. , Orlando
  • BEAULIEU, Christine, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste et PROULX, François (2004). Precursors of disinfection by-products: their evolution in the distribution system. , San Antonio
  • CARRIER, Mario (2004). Forestry Co-operatives in Québec : Social Cohesion and Economic Ties. , Saskatoon, p. 258-268.
  • CARRIER, Mario (2004). Gouvernance territoriale et diversification économique dans la région de Québec. Villes, Régions et Universités. Recherches, innovations et territoires (Actes des 2e Rencontres Champlain-Montaigne) , Bordeaux : R. Hudon & J.-P. Augustin (Presses de l'Université Laval), p. 267-279. ISBN : 2-7637-8206-X
  • GILBERT, Marie-Line, LEVALLOIS, Patrick et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2004). Info-Santé telephone system for the surveillance of water-borne gastro-enteritis. Proceedings of the National Conference on Drinking Water, Canadian Water and Wastewater Association , Calgary : CWWA
  • GUAY, Cynthia, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste (2004). Reduction of THM and HAA formation using ozonation and chloramination : field, pilot and laboratory-scale studies. , San Antonio
  • LONGPRÉ, Édith, BOUCHARD, Christian, ABI-ZEID, Irène et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2004). The development of a multicriteria decision-aid tool for the selection of a water treatment system. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Decision Making in Urban and Civil Engineering , 4th International Conference on Decision Making in Urban and Civil Engineering
  • POTVIN, André (2004). Assessing Environmental Adaptability , Windsor
  • POTVIN, André (2004). Making the Case for Hybrid Ventilation and Adaptative Comfort Theory in Canada: Conclusions Drawn from a literature review , Toronto
  • POTVIN, André (2004). Monitoring Window Opening Behaviour in Canadian Cellular Offices: Towards a Schotastic Behavioural Model for Adaptative Thermal Comfort Assessment , Toronto
  • POTVIN, André (2004). PETv4.2 Les profils d'équilibre thermique comme outil d'aide à la conception architecturale , Vancouver
  • POTVIN, André (2004). Research, Practice and Teaching? Closing the Loop Through Physical Ambiences Studies , Eugene
  • RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste (2004). Protection of drinking water sources in intensive agriculture areas : The case of the Province of Quebec.
  • THÉRIAULT, Marius et DES ROSIERS, François (2004). Modelling perceived accessibility to urban amenities using fuzzy logic, transportation GIS and origin-destination surveys. , Heraklion, p. 475-485.
  • DES ROSIERS, François, THÉRIAULT, Marius et KESTENS, Yan (2003). Modelling the Impact of Accessibility to Services on House Prices: A Comparative Analysis of two Methodological Approaches. Proceedings of the 10th European Real Estate Society Conference
  • THÉRIAULT, Marius, DES ROSIERS, François, JOERIN, Florent, MENETRIER, Laurent, LEE-GOSSELIN, Martin et VILLENEUVE, Paul (2003). Measuring Accessibility to Urban Services Using Fuzzy Logic Within Transportation GIS. Proceedings of the 10th European real estate Society Conference
  • VANDERSMISSEN, Marie-Hélène et VILLENEUVE, Paul (2003). Travel demand forecasting and TDM measures : the example of Montreal’s South Shore, 2001-2021. , Southampton, p. 213-222.
  • CARRIER, Mario (2002). Le parc marin du Saguenay - St-Laurent: l'expérience d'un mégapartenariat en milieu rural
  • KESTENS, Yan, THÉRIAULT, Marius et DES ROSIERS, François (2002). House Prices and Environmental Quality: Combining GIS, Image Analysis and Hedonic Modeling. 6th Annual Integrating GIS & CAMA Conference Proceedings , p. 100-110.
  • POTVIN, André (2002). A Combined Quantitative and Qualitative Approach to Comfort , Toulouse
  • POTVIN, André (2002). Assessing Environmental Comfort , Montreal
  • POTVIN, André (2002). On the Applicability of Hybrid Ventilation in Canadian Office and Educationnal Buildings: Part 1 - Barriers and Opportunities Stemming from Building Regulation , Montreal
  • POTVIN, André (2002). On the Applicability of Hybrid Ventilation in Canadian Office and Educationnal Buildings: Part 2 - Implementing Annex 35 Pilot Study Projects in Canada , Montreal
  • RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, COULIBALY, Housseini Diadié et BANVILLE, Josée (2002). Strategies for ensuring a safe drinking water in small utilities of Quebec (Canada).
  • RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste (2002). By-products of drinking water chlorination: origins, health impacts and regulation perspectives.
  • RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste, PITRE, Janice et HUARD, Mélanie (2002). Seasonal variations of trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids within water distribution systems: A case study in Quebec (Canada).
  • SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, PITRE, Janice, SADIK, Tarik et BOUCHARD, Christian (2002). Les sous-produits du chlore: variation spatio-temporelles à court et moyen terme dans les réseaux de distribution d’eau potable. Comptes-rendus "Journées Information Eaux"
  • THÉRIAULT, Marius, KESTENS, Yan et DES ROSIERS, François (2002). The Impact of Environmental Perception on Housing Location Choices: A Case Study Among Recent Home Owners in Quebec City. , p. 6.
  • THÉRIAULT, Marius, KESTENS, Yan et DES ROSIERS, François (2002). The impact of mature trees on house values and on residential location choices in Quebec City. , Lugano, p. 478-483.
  • KESTENS, Yan, THÉRIAULT, Marius et DES ROSIERS, François (2001). Integrating Land Use in a Hedonic Price Model Using GIS. , Long Beach, p. 521-530.
  • PICHÉ, Denise et VACHON, Geneviève (2001). La communauté urbaine de Québec passée au crible du Nouvel urbanisme Vers des collectivités viables , Vivre en ville (Septentrion), ISBN : 9782896642601
  • POTVIN, André et MIGNERON, Jean-Gabriel (2001). An Integrated Approach to the Design of Double-Façades in Canadian Non-Domestic Buildings: A Case Study , Changsha
  • THÉRIAULT, Marius, DES ROSIERS, François, KESTENS, Yan et VILLENEUVE, Paul (2001). Space and Residential Values: Modelling Interactions Between Geographical Patterns and Property Attributes. , Anchorage, p. 43.
  • VILLENEUVE, Paul et VANDERSMISSEN, Marie-Hélène (2001). L'aménagement durable des banlieues: le cas des collectivités nouvelles de Lebourgneuf et de Pointe Sainte-Foy. , Québec, p. 168-172.
  • CARRIER, Mario (2000). Les PME à forte croissance. Comment gérer l'improvisation de façon cohérente , Lille
  • POTVIN, André (2000). Assessing the Microclimate of Urban Transitional Spaces , Cambridge
  • POTVIN, André (2000). Hybrid Ventilation of Canadian Non-Domestic Buildings: A Procedure for Assessing IAQ, Comfort and Energy Conservation , Reading
  • POTVIN, André et MIGNERON, Jean-Gabriel (2000). The New Canadian Embassy in Berlin: Towards an Environmental Integrated Approach to Thermal, Lighting and Acoustics , Halifax
  • VILLENEUVE, Paul et VANDERSMISSEN, Marie-Hélène (2000). L'augmentation du taux de motorisation des femmes: enjeux sociaux et environnementaux. , Lyon, p. 177-199.
  • CARRIER, Mario (1999). Entreprises en milieu rural et gouvernance , Rimouski
  • CARRIER, Mario (1999). Grande entreprise et société locale en région périphérique : le cas de la Noranda en Abitibi , Chicoutimi, p. 171-184.
  • CARRIER, Mario (1999). Les services de proximité en milieu rural : une question de légitimité et d'organisation , Rimouski
  • CARRIER, Mario (1999). Ruralité et services de proximité , Rouyn-Noranda, p. 56-59.
  • CARRIER, Mario (1999). Services de proximité et petites collectivités , Rouyn-Noranda
  • DESPRÉS, Carole (1999). Transformation de la démographie et des ménages et adaptation des modèles d'habitation existants aux nouveaux marchés.
  • DESPRÉS, Carole et FORTIN, Andrée (1999). Cohabitation et logement supplémentaire : résultats d’un sondage d’intentions. , Québec, p. 19-23.
  • POTVIN, André (1999). Diversity Trough Continuity - A Reflection on the Role of Architecture in Shaping the Environment of the City , Beijing
  • POTVIN, André (1999). Reassessing the Environmental Performance of 19th Century Arcades , Orlando
  • RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, MILOT, Julie, SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste et MONTIXI, Marie-D. (1999). A new modeling approach to simulate chlorine demand and trihalomethane formation in drinking water. , Chicago
  • RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, MORIN, Michel et SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste (1999). Updating drinking water regulations on THMs in Quebec: impact on small systems. , Chicago
  • THÉRIAULT, Marius, DES ROSIERS, François et VANDERSMISSEN, Marie-Hélène (1999). GIS-based Simulation of Accessibility to Enhance Hedonic Modeling and Property Value Appraisal: An Application to the Quebec City Metropolitan Area. , p. 151-160.
  • POTVIN, André* (1998). Bioclimatic Urban Transitional Spaces , Montreal
  • RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J, SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste et MORIN, Michel (1998). Models for THM formation in distribution systems : development, evaluation and application to Quebec water utilities.
  • THÉRIAULT, Marius et VANDERSMISSEN, Marie-Hélène (1998). Modelling Travel Route and Time Within GIS : Its Use for Planning. , p. 402-407.
  • DESPRÉS, Carole (1997). Homesharing in U.S. pre- and post-war housing. A comparative floor plan analysis. , Québec
  • DESPRÉS, Carole (1997). Le rapport à la rue des résidants du Vieux-Limoilou. , Stockholm
  • DESPRÉS, Carole (1997). Twenty years of housing surveys. , Québec, p. 1-5.
  • POTVIN, André (1996). The Internal Exterior - A Thermal Approach to Urban Transitionnal Spaces , Berlin
  • POTVIN, André (1996). The Internal Exterior -A thermal approach to urban transitional spaces. , p. 501-505.
  • RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste (1996). Advanced disinfection control in drinking water systems using artificial neural networks. , London, p. 183-193.
  • RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et SÉRODES, Jean-Baptiste (1996). Emergent computing technology applied to the water supply field: The case of artificial intelligence (AI). Proceedings of the International Conference of Municipal and Rural Water Supply and Water Quality , Poznan : Poznan, Pologne, p. 211-224.
  • POTVIN, André (1995). Wind in Architecture - An Erosion Technique to Assess Wind Behaviour about Buildings , Florence
  • THÉRIAULT, Marius et DES ROSIERS, François (1995). Combining hedonic modeling, GIS and spatial statistics to analyze residential markets in the Quebec Urban Community. , The Hague, p. 131-136.
  • POTVIN, André (1994). Transition in Architecture - A Bioclimatic Approach Based on Environmental Diversity , Lyon
  • POTVIN, André (1994). Transitions in Architecture , Ottawa
  • POTVIN, André (1993). Énergie, climat et création d'un espace architectural dynamique , Québec
  • POTVIN, André (1993). Optimisation d'un micro-climat extérieur en fonction du vent et du soleil , Québec