CORRIVEAU-PEEV, Pamela et GOSSELIN, Louis (En soumission). Utilization of Contrast-to-Noise Ratio for Identifying Thermal Anomalies in Northern Buildings with a Low-Cost IR Camera 2024 ASHRAE Winter Conference and AHR expo , Chicago : x
CORRIVEAU-PEEV, Pamela, GOSSELIN, Louis et POTVIN, André (Soumis). Utilization of Contrast-to-Noise Ratio to Assessing the Severity of Air Infiltration Anomalies in Northern Buildings with a Low-Cost IR Camera JITH 2024 International Days on Thermal Science and Energy , Paris : 20th ed. National School of Architecture Paris-Val de Seine
BALLITA, Lina et DESPRÉS, Carole (2024). The secondary school classroom : An architectural object to be redesigned to better support educational success in Quebec ARCC-EAAE 2024 International Joint Conference , Aarhus : Aarhus School of Architecture
DUVAL , Estelle, CHOUINARD, C. et DESPRÉS, Carole (2024). Artificial Intelligence Assisted Qualitative Analysis: A Contribution to Architectural Programming ARCC-EAAE 2024 International Joint Conference , Aarhus : Aarhus School of Architecture
GARCÍA DE PAREDES, Pablo et DESPRÉS, Carole (2024). Adapting Home: The Experiences Of Teleworking Mothers During Covid-19 ARCC-EAAE 2024 International Joint Conference , Aarhus : Aarhus School of Architecture
ORTIZ-LOPEZ, Christian, BOUCHARD, Christian et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2024). Hacia sistemas de alerta temprana tipo: evento de lluvia – potabilización, usando modelos machine learning 31st Latinoamerican Congress on Hydraulics , Medellin : X
ARDILA, Andrés, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et PELLETIER, Geneviève (2023). Optimization of water quality degradation monitoring in distribution networks: Spatio-temporal representativeness vs citizens' risk Efficient 2023 Urban water management , Bordeaux : x
ARDILA, Andrés, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et PELLETIER, Geneviève (2023). Spatiotemporal optimization of water quality surveillance in urban distribution networks 40th IAHR World Congress Rivers - connecting mountains and coast , Vienne : x
CASSOL, Willian Ney, DANIEL, Sylvie et PHAM VAN BANG, Damien (2023). The influence of underwater dunes in spatiotemporal analysis of the hydrodynamicof the Saint-Lawrence River. Marine and River Dune Dynamics – MARID VII Marine and River Dune Dynamics – MARID VII , Rennes : x
ORTIZ-LOPEZ, Christian, BOUCHARD, Christian, TORRES, A. et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2023). A data-driven methodology for modelling the raw water quality supplying a treatment plant, after rainfall and river flow rate events. 9th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition 2023 , x
ORTIZ-LOPEZ, Christian, BOUCHARD, Christian, TORRES, A. et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2023). Decision-Making Improvement and Modelling Tools for Drinking Water Treatment during Rainfall Events 40th IAHR World Congress Rivers - connecting mountains and coast, , Vienne : x
BARRY, Richard, BARBECOT, F., HE, J. et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2022). Estimation de la valeur économique des ressources en eaux souterraines du bassin sédimentaire côtier togolais International Conference “Groundwater, key to the Sustainable Development Goals , Paris : x
DE BLOIS, Michel et LESAGE, Xavier (2022). Design-Led Entrpreneurship Workshop; a dialogic approach , REDES 2022
MORIN, Dominique (2022). Les aspirations des personnes aînées au Québec Colloque Vieillissement et aspirations des personnes aînées , Vivre et vieillir à Québec
RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2022). Spatio-temporal data to understand the variability of emerging contaminants from source to tap dans ORTEGA-SÁNCHEZ, Miguel Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress , Granada : International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research, ISBN : 978-90-832612-1-8
RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2022). Spatio-temporal data to understand the variability of emerging contaminants from source to tap Proceedings of Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress , Grenade : x
WESTON, Sally, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et BEHMEL, Sonja (2022). Water quality in drinking water distribution systems: A whole-systems approach to decision making 2nd International Joint Conference on Water Distribution System Analysis (WDSA) & Computing and Control in the Water Industry (CCWI) , Valence : WDSA - CCWI
WESTON, Sally, RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J et BEHMEL, Sonja (2022). Water quality in drinking water distribution systems: A whole-systems approach to decision making. 2nd International Joint Conference on Water Distribution System Analysis (WDSA) & Computing and Control in the Water Industry , Valence : CCWI
CÔTÉ, Valérie, GAGNON, Caroline, BÉLANGER, Lynda, SAINT-GERMAIN, Daphney (2021). Design as a methodological stance in interdisciplinary research dans DI LUCCHIO, Loredana, IMBESI, Lorenzo, GIAMBATTISTA, Angela, MALAKUCZI, Viktor Design culture(s) Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021 , Rome : Cumulus President Mariana Amatullo, p. 3980-3995.
GAGNON, Caroline, ROUSSEAU, Claudie, COULOMBE-MORENCY, Thomas, CADORET, Sonia, COTÉ, Colin (2021). Design with Social Justice in Mind. The Case of Fourniture Design in Elementary Schools dans DI LUCCHIO, Loredana, IMBESI, Lorenzo, GIAMBATTISTA, Angela, MALAKUCZI, Viktor Design culture(s) Cumulus Conference Proceedings Roma 2021 , Rome : Cumulus President Mariana Amatullo, p. 2826-2845.
CERUTTI, Jérôme, ABI-ZEID, Irène, LAMONTAGNE, Luc, LAVOIE, Roxane et RODRIGUEZ, Manuel J (2020). Bridging the Knowledge Gap Using Design Science Research: The Design of a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) Application for Source Water Protection in Environmental Decision-Making 15th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD) ( 9 septembre 2020 - 11 septembre 2020), x
DESPRÉS, Carole et DESPRÉS, Michel (2020). Intensive session Renovating school estates with people in mind: The case of Portugal, Belgium and Québec - , IAPS 2020
HIDALGO, A.K., DESPRÉS, Carole et CRAIG, T. (2020). Research Methods’ Timeline: 50 years of Peple-Environment Studies, Symposium - , IAPS 2020